Sep 7, 2009

Scaling new heights

The summer has flown by and I'm amazed that you turn 16-months-old today!

Every day, you continue to do and say new things and now, more than ever, you are testing the limits of your body and pushing to find out just how far (and high) it can take you. NO FEAR seems to be your philosophy and you don't think twice about scaling anything in your path. You've had my heart racing a few times as you've cruised straight up play structures I naively thought were too difficult. I'm partly surprised you haven't had any major falls as it isn't always easy to stay a step ahead of you. Heaven help me when I've gained more inches around my belly. Your speeding up and I'm afraid I'll be slowing w-a-y down. I've always thought those little kiddie leashes were silly but I'm totally going to have to get one or lose you into the street or up a tree!

You have a limited vocabulary so it is very exciting when you can name something you see. You shout out things like BUBBLES! MOON! BUH BUH! (for bus) or (our favorite) WAHWEE! (for water) as loud as your little body can when you've got them in your sights. Sometimes it takes us a few days to figure out just what a new word means like the "up-a-high" for star which I'm assuming you derived from Twinkle Twinkle. But there was no question what you meant when you came home today after a park activity saying "mine" while pointing at everything in your high chair.

Toys are becoming more interesting as you find that you can manipulate them and do more than shake and bang them. Putting things in and taking things out are major activities. Purses are still highly popular and you love to don one and carry it around the house or yard. You'll pretend a lot of things are a phone and put them to your ear and converse with imaginary friends. Boy, do I wish I knew what you were babbling about. Tonight at Ber's, you found a little doll in a stroller and wanted to "walk a baby." It is so fun to watch you play and learn.

You love to play hide and seek. When you want to play, you cover your eyes like you are counting and grunt until I figure it out. You laugh when I find you and want to play again and again.

Books continue to be a favorite and often you bring one over and plop into my lap, waiting for me to read it to you. Some days we go through every book in your room, other days you ask me to read the same book over and over. Cuddling with you makes the thirteenth time totally worth it.

Love you,

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