Nov 16, 2009

Swine flu survivor

You've survived the dreaded bug! Nanny Jess and many other people we know have suffered miserably with it this year. Luckily, it was not too horrible for you. A few doses of tylenol and running a humidifier at night seemed to keep you comfortable enough. Mostly, we just had to keep you occupied away from crowds and wait it out.

Several days of fever and no appetite carved away a little more baby fat though. I was feeding you whatever you would eat which probably wasn't a great idea since now you think marshmallows and popsicles are perfectly cromulent breakfast foods. Whoops, I guess that makes parenting mistake #357.

We had your 18 month check up today and you have grown to 33 inches - which explains why I recently found you with matches (#358) and scissors (#359). The counters and table surfaces in the house are no longer out of your reach.

Despite the sickness and hazardous terrain, you seem to be thriving. Both eyes and all ten digits still intact! We hear new words from you every day and you are stringing them together way ahead of schedule. It is a wonderful gift to know what you are thinking about even if it turns out to be "treats" and "doggies" a lot of the time.

Love you,

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