Jul 25, 2010

On helmet time

My dear Henry,

The era of the helmet has begun. We are on a rigid ramp-up schedule to acclimatize you to your new headgear over the next seven days. Soon, you'll be wearing it 23 hours/day. The five-month count down has begun. Now grow head grow!

So far, you aren't complaining and don't seem to mind it much. But you are sweating - A LOT. We can take it off to clean it every day but they hinted it would get harder and harder to get the dirt and sweat out. Pardon my sniffing your head every five minutes but I'm determined to soak up your sweet baby smell while I can.

On the plus side, the extra protection is proving useful. Yesterday, we let you jump around in your swing - over cement(!) and with Lucy nearby(!!). Previously, this activity was only open to Storm Troopers in full gear.


Except of course you'll be a lot more handsome and choose a much more sensible girl.

Love you,


Melissa@thebblog said...

ah shoot, you are funny. Love your posts

Deb said...

He's adorable. Miss you guys!

Jeremy said...

Well, Henry, today is the last day before you’re fitted with a helmet to help reshape the flat spot on the back of your head. I’m bummed that you’ll have to wear it for five months—which will be half your life when you finally finish the therapy. By that time, you’ll be completely used to it, but it will be a great Christmas present to your mom and me when you get to take it off in December. Given the statistical probability that male-pattern baldness is lurking in your DNA, it’s for the best that this is taken care of now.

So I guess we’ll make the best of this. I’m already thinking of ways to decorate the helmet; the current top options are adding a mohawk hair strip on the top or adding two horns for a more Viking look. Either way, the helmet will also give you a little more protection from your sister’s sometimes overly rambunctious affection. (Although to be fully protected from her, we’d also need to get you some goggles as she loves trying to touch your eyes for some reason.)

So, while I’m not exactly looking forward to the next five months of you having to go through this, I’m so thankful that if you had to have a problem that required medical attention, I’m glad it was something cosmetic and easy to fix.