Aug 5, 2010

Lucy sings

Some of our favorite books are song books like this one. I've read/sang them over and over to you hundreds of times. All the way from the The Itsy Bitsy Spider on down to John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, I'm pretty sure we've covered at least all of the basics.

Today, when I was on the phone, you were looking at this song book yourself and sang most of the words to each of the songs. (!) You would never do this for me (I ask you to sing with me all the time and you say "I want Mama to do it") so I just pretended to be on the phone after my call finished so I could listen in.

Amazing! It has been sinking in this whole time. And there is more - I've caught you singing other songs too.

This book (along with your special love for all things princess) has taught you a whole suite of songs. There are about 20 in there and you know most of the words to these too.

Of course, you know all the Wizard of Oz songs now. I have really learned to love these songs. The tongue-twister words (We hear he is a wiz of a wiz, if ever a wiz there was) are fun to sing and the melodies are great.

And there are even more including Christmas songs you pull out of nowhere and even a few primary songs.

It is just amazing to me that all of this is now wired into you and already starting to build in Henry's brain. You may not have memories of these early years but you will probably remember these tunes all of your life.

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