Sep 16, 2010

Parenting 101

This woman could rent her kids out as a bootcamp for parents. After one week caring for two (!!) sets of twins, managing your home will feel like a breeze. That is, if you survive. I'm pretty sure I'd give up by hour four. Aint no way I'd be taking them to the mountains by myself.

But seriously, training for parenting sounds like a good idea. Can I say one more time that I don't want to learn things the hard way? So I registered your dad and I for a Love and Logic class. The problem is we've already had to miss the first two sessions. Turns out - getting to a class in the evening is not very easy with two children and lives already brimming full.

Oh well - we will just join in late and hope to catch up. I have high hope the class will load us up with the know-how (and jedi mind tricks) we need to keep our house tantrum free. At the very least, the on-site childcare will give us a whole hour to hold hands and talk in complete sentences. Suh-weet.

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