Dec 3, 2010

Picture day

We made it! ... but just barely. I'll tell you what - picture day is not easy on Mama. Especially when she is silly enough to make an appointment on a Friday afternoon (traffic! tired kids!!). That plus a last minute code brown (times 2), made for some interesting last-minute scrambling.

Lucy - you were not in a smiling mood. These photos definitely show your more serious side. On the other hand, you LOVE this dress so it was no problem coaxing you to change your whole outfit.

And my sweet Henry - I thought you might grow straight through these clothes before we could finish taking photos. As it were, I had to find some nylons last minute so we could cram your pudgy feet into the shoes. Socks + shoes were not going to happen. I promise, the outfit fit just fine last week!

Ah well - you are beautiful kids. Surely I'll be happy when I'm 80 to have these so I can show off to all the other biddies at my retirement home.

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