Oct 28, 2010

A riggity jig and away we go...

We had a blast at the pumpkin patch this weekend. And how could we not with friends, ponies, a boat ride, and a train ride!

And Henry, your sound effects chip is installed and working correctly! Some days you make fart noises constantly. And I do mean constantly. It can be difficult to catch your face not in this arrangement.

We're off to Utah this morning. Hooray! I can't wait to see family!

Oct 18, 2010

On sea life

Lucy: "I saw a pink one of those at the coast. I got to touch it."

Mama: "Really?"

Lucy: "Yes, and it gave me a hug."

Prepping for Halloween


Oct 15, 2010

Henry clapping

Henry, you are hands-down the cutest, sweetest, most precious baby ever to hit the planet. Seriously. A shar pei wearing angel wings while hugging a baby seal that is nuzzling a kitten is lower on the cute scale than you.

And just when I didn't think you could get ANY cuter, you busted out the clapping. Also note the foot and hand rolling you do whenever you are happy and excited - which is pretty much all the time. Uh-dorable.

Oct 14, 2010

Sign we are doing our job

Daddy: "Good night Lucy B. I love you."

Lucy (from her crib): "I know."

Oct 13, 2010

One down, lots to go!

The first tooth has broken through! It isn't visible yet but I can feel it. You are 7.5 months - same age as Lucy when she got her first tooth. Maybe that is what has been keeping you up at night; after a brief period of sleeping straight through, you've been up about 2 times a night for a week now.

I think you are also staying awake because you are excited to be moving around in your crib. We put you in the snowsuit to keep you from rolling around too much but you can still inch around. I hear you banging your helmet on the bars and squawking if you can't sleep.

And when you wake up, sometimes I hear talking first – but usually it's the *thud*, *thud* of you banging your helmet on the mattress. Funny boy. Makes me smile every time.

Oct 6, 2010

When the going gets rough, escape to the coast

We had a weekend of wonderful weather, fantastic company (Dane and Jamie) and the big, beautiful ocean. And after two days of sand castles and aquariums, I think we all feel about a thousand times better. Phew.

Dane and wildlife at the Newport Aquarium

Oct 1, 2010

Just commit me already

I have lice.

And thrush.

And an acute case of insanity.

It is truly a magical combo. We are living in the mess to match...

In addition to the chemical treatments, laundry, brush boiling, and extensive vacuuming underway (again); all the furniture in the house is covered in plastic (this includes the pillows on our bed) and I'm getting some really fun (!) medication that may take up to 14 days to cure my painful boobie problem.

I'm not sure how to describe what this situation feels like.