May 1, 2009

One year ago today: longing for labor

Here is me walking around the block with one foot on the curb and the other in the gutter. This was Ginny's advice for jumpstarting labor. I also tried Lynda's advice of eating smoked oysters. Though I'm not particularly fond of them, I ate 4 cans but all I got out of that was stinky breath and even stinkier burps.
That is one crazy big belly! My legs were hugely swollen by this time too so I was constantly wearing support hose. It makes me laugh-cry to think about how hard it was to squeeze/shove/shimmy/sweat/work my way into those - all for an iota of relief from the pain in my legs.

I wasn't the only one waiting impatiently. Your dad was getting more eager by the minute. Here's his twitter feed leading up to labor...

Today the dr. took a quick look and dashed our hopes for labor happening anytime soon. Apropos, I'm off to Toys R Us to buy Margaret a pogo stick.
5:41 PM Apr 25th, 2008

We finished the nursery yesterday, baby. You can come anytime now... Seriously, ANY TIME NOW!
12:55 PM Apr 28th, 2008

So far, Margaret has gagged down TWO whole cans of smoked oysters to try speeding things up... nothing!
8:05 AM Apr 29th, 2008

I'm leaving on an overnight business trip, which of course means Margaret's going into labor tonight.
4:43 PM Apr 29th, 2008

And for the record, Margaret INSISTED I go on this business trip because of that possibility.
4:48 PM Apr 29th, 2008

Being gone didn't work. I found a witchdoctor that uses crystals to realign the baby's aura. That'll work, right?
8:03 PM Apr 30th, 2008

WHAT is taking so long? I don't think the baby knows that neither of her parents are exactly known for their patience.
7:41 AM May 2nd, 2008

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe Little Lucy is almost a year old. By the way you looked fabulous at 9 months. I feel so big right now. Can't believe I still have 3 more months.