Dec 1, 2009

All in a name

Well, you are a good eater. You'll eat almost anything we feed you - including the mushrooms on a vegetable pizza recently.

Unfortunately, those poison things growing on the lawn. Yup - they are also called mushrooms. I certainly didn't think about that variety when I was talking to you about the yummy vegetables you were eating. And daddy didn't think about you liking mushrooms as "food" when he showed them to you outside.

But you put it all together for yourself and decided to try a little snack while daddy had his back turned. Just how much of a snack, we'll never know, as you trampled the patch and can't really answer if or how much you ate.

Thank goodness for the Poison Control Hotline. They quickly helped us rule out any major danger and then called us back every two hours just to be sure you were ok.

I really hope we never have to call them again but what a relief to know they are there!

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