May 14, 2010

It's a zoo over here

Getting out of the house still feels like a major accomplishment. Maybe not as difficult as curing cancer mind you, but possibly more complex than invading a small country. It's hard and there are a lot of moving parts and things to remember - all with a brain that feels like it has been replaced by a can of mushroom soup. The timing is particularly important. Especially if I want to arrive with both children and mom happy with energy to go out the activity of choice.

Today we dared a big one - the Portland Zoo. There is no way I could have managed it by myself but AJ, Janis, and AJ's grandparents met us there. Let's just say all were exhausted by the time we left and it wasn't because of AJ.

There will be no photographic evidence of such outings as my hands are more than full with stroller, baby, keys, diaper, etc. But you can be sure they did indeed happen. Your mother proudly took you to the zoo with a maxi-pad cut in half in her bra because yesterday when she went to the store specifically to get nursing pads, she forgot - you guessed it - nursing pads (sleep deprivation is a cruel mistress indeed).

But here you are, Henry, chilling after our big morning out. What a handsome fellow you are!


Janis said...
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Janis said...
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Janis said...

PS Henry: Mushroom soup is delicious and for the record AJ's Grandma said "Margaret sure is amazing. I don't think I would have tried to cart two kids to the zoo until the littlest was a year old at least." Your mama is a rock star! Love, Janis

Deb said...

Cute little Henry! You are a brave Mom!