Jul 9, 2010

Helmet on order

Henry, your head is beautiful but officially lopsided. You have favored one spot to lie on since you were born and it has been difficult to break you of the habit. Lately, we are getting you to sleep on other areas of your head but with SIDS risk and you not rolling much yet, I am too afraid to put you on your tummy to sleep.

So today, we had you measured for a helmet that will ensure your head shape will fill out as your head grows. You will have to wear the helmet for up to 5 (that's 1-2-3-4-5!) months, almost 23 hours/day.

Our pediatrician says you will acclimate to it quickly and not notice it much. Of course, he also said you would only have to wear it for 2 weeks and that was apparently WAY wrong.

On the bright side, the doctor's office has a fabulous box of toys and books that Lucy loved. Getting her excited about coming to your appointments with you will be very easy.

... and I'm trying, but I can't think of anything else on the positive side.

Crap. I'm sorry, Henry.

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