Aug 14, 2011

Remember this guy?

I do. And he is long gone. How did this happen? And where did this guy come from?

AND - you seem to be hitting yet ANOTHER growth spurt. You are only one shoe size behind your sister and you can wear some of the same clothes. Say what?

AND - your talking is coming in lightening FAST. Besides your the constant stream of your favorite words: truck, tractor and "wee-oo" for wheel, you are saying new words every day. Today it was: hole, popcorn, ring, cracker, car, and grape. Seriously - that many noticeable new words EVERY DAY.

We are reading More, More, More, Said the Baby a lot lately. You love this book and I love it too, partly because we are LIVING it.

I am always "running like anything just to catch that baby up" - both literally, and in my heart and mind.

And with your body, your signing, your words, and your quick-changing ways, you are leading me forward with "More, more, more."

Oh, my amazing boy. More, more, more. I keep on loving you more, more, more.

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