Nov 7, 2011

One size fits both

We were doing some handprints tonight and I'm shocked to see your hands are now roughly matched.

Several times, your dad has put Henry's clothes on Lucy lately and they fit just fine. Aside from a few inches of height, you seem very close to the same size. I can't tell if this is because Henry is big or because Lucy is small.

Henry's bear paw - looking like a righty

Lucy's dainty hand - definitely a lefty
You are so different in a million ways but your similarities are also apparent. You are on the same sleep schedule right now (BIG deal for Mama!). You both love books, stories, and mama songs. You both think "poopy diaper" can be the funniest words on the planet. And you both seem to love each other like crazy.

Lucy's signature of late - often backward but very recognizable.
Henry's "signature" - AKA Mater tracks.

Sometimes, we play 50 rounds "watch this" with both of you wanting me to have my eyes only on you. Sometimes there is teasing and pushing. Sometimes you seemed determined to out-howl one another. But there are precious moments too: playing together, laughing, running, holding hands.

Be tender. Be loving. Be careful with one another. There isn't anything more important you can do for our family.


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