May 25, 2014

Somehow related to grumpy cat

Dear Henry,

Your grumpy mouth is so extreme that it often makes me laugh. That is probably the opposite effect that you are going for but I cannot help it because IT IS SO CRAZY FUNNY.

And depending on what you do with your eyebrows, it reminds me of several other wonderfully grumpy faces I know.
Frown with eyebrows up reminds me of... 
Grumpy child
...our zoo's grumpy gorilla
Grumpy Ape
Frown with eyebrows-level reminds me of...
...Grumpy Cat
Frown with eyebrows down reminds me of...

All together, I am impressed that we gave you the magical genetic combination of the orneriest facial traits of the family: Papa's deadly stink-eye and B's dramatic frown. Using advanced age progression photoshop, I imagine someday your frowny face will look something like this.

And how can I not smile at that?


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