Mar 13, 2015

These are the days

I haven't written in a while. There are so many things I want to tell you about. Good times and hilarious happenings.

Big things
MEXICO with a boy who wore his snorkel 90% of the time.

Henry's birthday was last week - the big FIVE! I will try to find time to post more about that because it was great fun.

Dad and I also had birthdays and I made a multilayered cake - my first!

Lucy is bike riding!

Project things
In the past 7 days I've volunteered at the Buckman Art Show and Sell, The Clothing Center, and helped several times in Lucy's classroom. The weeks are full full FULL.

I finally bought new clothes.

The important things
We've learned how to make fry bread and written family histories with Grandma Lynda.

It's been amazing to have her visit.

My dad had heart surgery.

And then there was staying with this guy.

Wearing this.
And all the little but precious things
One tidbit: Jeremy borrowed the batteries from Henry's circuit set. When Henry saw the empty battery case he jumped up and said "Bandits!" Dad was the naughty bandit taking his batteries.

I don't know how to compile all that is going on. It is overwhelming and wonderful. Each day may have a pocket of despair but also so many treasures in the little moments we share. It is really too much to get done and I hope to slow down soon. But the love and hope I feel have (so far) kept me afloat. These are the days I hope to remember but I don't have the time to record anything about.

I'm off to the next thing (bridge!).

Hugs and kisses,

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