Oct 8, 2015

My most important everything

It has been difficult for your dad and I to find any time together lately. So dad stayed home from work today so we could talk and walk the hood like we did all the time BC (before children). This situation is also known as bliss.
Little known fact: though dad is several inches taller than I am, our legs are almost exactly the same length. We are pretty much invincible in a three-legged race.

Across the internets, news sources were still quoting dad after a city council meeting yesterday (if you haven't noticed, the guy is basically badass). But lucky me, got him LIVE and all myself for the whole school day.

Nothing is more important than your dad to me. Nothing (though you two come a close second). He is numero uno and hands down THE best thing that has ever or will ever happen to me. Our life, this love affair of my lifetime, happens to be fantastic. The best and most important thing I will ever do is to put my whole self into loving him and savor as much time together as we can find.

Sometimes you complain about going to bed when the bigs of the house are clearly staying up together. I tell you "This is my time to be with my prince. Happily ever after doesn't work if you don't make time for your perfect prince!"

I hope you get to find out for yourselves how true that is. And if you are really lucky (and I do mean really), happily ever after might even include playing hookie now and then.


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