Jan 3, 2016

Snowman soup

Important fact: snow that just won't stick to make a snowman is absolutely PERFECT for Snowman Soup. Since this non-sticky snow is the most common kind we get in Portland, it's pretty lucky that we thought up this recipe.

We've been making this for ages, every time we have enough snow. It isn't quite as fun as sledding, building a snow fort, or (yes) making an actual snowMAN - but it brings fun into that little bit of snow that just isn't good for much else.

Here's the recipe:

Snowman Soup

  • 1 Snowstorm
  • Large bowl 
  • Concentrated Crystal Light (preferably lighter colored flavor, or substitute with any punch or juice)

It is preferable to put out cookie sheets early in the storm to make it easy to gather clean snow.

Fill your bowl with the cleanest snow you can find. Bring into the house (traditionally this comes along with a trail of small puddles). Serve into smaller bowls and top with concentrated punch.

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