Dec 12, 2016

Found this on an old, soon-to-be-cancelled blog that I'll repost here to preserve. (And even though it says "26 months," I'll update it to say that it's now been 8 years and it still feels both like an instant and an eternity!)

-July 2010-

I’ll just start out by saying that this has been both the shortest and longest 26 months of my life and although I can remember a time when you both didn’t exist, I can no longer imagine you not being here and brightening your mother and my lives.

Thank you Lucy and Henry, for the wonder you have as you explore this world; and thank you for reminding me of how truly amazing it really is. Here’s to continuing on this voyage together and that the journey will be interesting and full of laughter and joy.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Love. Love. Love. xoxo