Feb 8, 2017

Walk Two Moons

Dear Rose,

I am really happy that we got to spend some time with together last week. It was quite a gift, getting to be with you on THAT WEEKEND. You know? When your life was turned inside out and your mother was recovering in the hospital from something I can hardly think about. I think that someday, you will look back on it as one of the strangest and most tumultuous weekends of your life. And I'll tell you what? You were STILL kind. And lovely. And brave. Even on THAT WEEKEND.

That says a lot about you. It really does. And I hope you are proud because what it tells me is that you are becoming an amazing person.

We went to Powells together and I picked out this book for you because it is one of my all-time favorites. It is about a mixed-race family (one American Indian parent, one white) and though it is written by a Brit, it captures some of the subtleties that bringing those cultures into our family has meant. And I love that aspect of it oh so very much.

It is also about a girl losing her mother. And with your mom just having had her head zipped open, the timing for giving it to you last weekend was, pretty much, HORRI-TERRIBLE (that means so horrible that it has to be combined with terrible).

So I held onto it this week. And read it again. And cried again. And fell in love with it all over again.

Now that your mom has passed through her zip-down and zip-back-up as ferociously as we all hoped she would, I am passing it to you.

I hope it adds another piece onto the lovely, brave, amazing person you are becoming.


1 comment:

Doolanber@gmail.com said...

What would I do without you? I am so lucky. I have learned and I am still learning the meaning of compassion and empathy from your actions and your words. I will never reach your graceful heights, but your example always makes me want to try to emulate you. My lil Rose is so lucky to have you in her life. Thank you-xx ber