Nov 7, 2008

6 month appointment

The numbers (drumroll...)
Weight : 18 lb 10.5 oz
Length: 27.5"
Head circumference: 17.25"

Wow Lucy - you have grown so much! You have consistently stayed at the top of the chart for weight and height. My mom and sisters all promise that you will slow down eventually and I do hope you will - otherwise you will be taller than me or your dad by Christmas.

You are such a curious creature and every day you are discovering something new. Today you discovered that the paper covering the doctor's table is a fun toy - hooray! 

You have managed your first set of immunizations without any trouble which is a huge relief. It is not fun to watch them stick you and I am grateful a couple of doses of tylenol has kept you happy during it all. In fact - you still haven't been sick yet at all.

You are sitting up by yourself now - though I keep pillows nearby for the inevitable fall now and then. You love jumping in your large, music-playing bouncer. I guess this is great exercise because after only a few weeks, your juicy little thighs are already starting to thin out.  Oh the baby meats - every little ounce is adorable. It is going to be hard to watch it go.

You are making all kinds of sounds and babbling all the time. You also spend time every day growling and shrieking. You show boredom or displeasure with a rather expressive array of grunts. You are our adorable baby, crazy bear, and howler monkey all wrapped up in one. I'm sure you are copying us most of the time but it seems you've come up with some of these sounds on your own. 

Your hair never fell out and is now growing in thicker and longer. It's so adorable and I confess that I rarely cover it with hats unless it's really cold or bright out.

So what's next?
We will be starting you on food this week - how exciting! And apparently we need to childproof the whole house soon or it will go by way of the doctor's table - yikes. Your teeth should be coming in one of these days. And then there's algebra and prom. I think it's safe to say we will be busy for the next 20 years.

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