Jan 6, 2010

Daycare day 1

Your first full day went well - almost.

On the up side - you were happy at drop off and pick up, practically ignoring me and dad. You didn't want to leave until you had your face painted. We are told you had a wonderful time adventuring and playing and you successfully used the school's potty - woohoo.

On the down side - you split your lip falling off of a chair (!) and had only a 30-minute nap (!!). Well before bedtime, you were crazed with fatigue and nearly inconsolable. After almost two hours of rocking, reading, and crying, I resorted to giving you a little Benedryl to take the edge off. You went right to sleep and though satisfied, I feel like a crap mom for drugging the baby. (Note - this is not a norm, the only other time I've done it was on a long flight.)

I'm a bit of a wreck. I had a good cry yesterday and slept horribly the night before and after. I did get a long walk in during the day though - something that hasn't happened since oh - March.

So - I was hoping for better than this. It started out great and maybe it's still ok. Is this just how it goes? Will Thursday be better? If not, what will we do?

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Transitions are tough. I think the experience was way harder on us than it was Lucy, though. I'm sure it's only going to get better and that she'll enjoy spending time with kids her own age a couple times a week. (And you'll benefit from being able to spend time on yourself taking walks, etc.)