Jan 16, 2010

Your new play room

The basement remodel is finished complete with a new play structure and fort for you and company!

We ordered the set through Cedar Works and it arrived in about 10 boxes along with a giant bucket of screws and bolts. Let's just say all of your dad's "playtime" with Legos was really training for putting this thing together.
The first day it was up, you took your nap inside. Note - you are holding the "princess shoe" you got at the Swap Shop (it's about 4 sizes too big for you and there is only one but you love it and play with it all the time).


Deb said...

That play set IS amazing and I love the photo of Lucy sleeping in it. Awesome!!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful pictures. I came across this quite by surprise, and I work for CedarWorks. Lucy is adorable.