Apr 1, 2013

Zombie Jesus and egg hunts

Henry, Easter pretty much means eggs and candy to you. This year we tried to explain the Jesus part more to Lucy. I'd say we got mixed results. For example, when showing her a picture of the people finding the empty tomb.
Lucy: Why are they surprised?
Dad: Because Jesus' body isn't there. He came back to life.
Lucy: Wow! That's never happened before... well, except for zombies.
Easter weekend was a bliss of candy, friends, new toys and SUNSHINE. It was great fun but a little crazy.

On Saturday, we did a "hunt and re-hunt" at the SwapShop. The kids hunted the eggs and then brought the empties to a "Refilling Station" where we stuffed and re-hid them to start all over. The older kids helped with the hiding and really got into the spirit of trading and helping the littles. We were out there for 2 hours! It was wonderful and sweet. Community events are not always easy, but so worthwhile and filfilling when everyone has a good time.

We finally got your sugar fueled bodies to bed around 8:30 and getting ready for the big event lasted late into the evening. In fact, the Eater Bunny didn't finish mowing the lawn at 9:30 pm (by the glow of utility light). Cleaning up the ransacked kitchen and putting out the goods took us well onto midnight. Yikes!

Easter morning was bunny specials and more eggs to find. We ate creamed eggs on toast (of course!) for breakfast. And for once you were good in church, might have been something to do with all the candy and toys we let you take.

 Harry, upon seeing a Peep for the first time: "Look Dad, it's a duck on a scooter!"

Later we are off to see friends and another egg hunt resulting in more candy than anyone needs (Lucy actually gave back all of her chocolate saying she's "had enough").

Yup. Our baskets are full and life is sweet. Thank you both for memories your bunny mama will treasure always.

Love you,

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