Aug 1, 2013

I promise

I promise to be more
to be better
to be stronger
because I knew

I promise to respect life
showing reverence
to natural beauty
in its every form.

I promise to laugh
to love
to nurture
to give
to reach out to others 
the way you reached out to me.

I promise to
Be Here
even though you are not.
I will stand up
for the ones you left behind.

I promise
every rose
every cup of coffee
every electric train
every fishing pole
every Indian drum
every snap shirt
every Johnny Cash song
every Mento
every sunrise
every starry night sky
every wild animal call
will remind me
of you.

I promise to listen
if you call
and imagine your words
and your spirit with me
if you do not.

You are with me
and I am with you
I promise.

1 comment:

Starbelly Sneech said...

This is beautiful. Hugs.