Jan 23, 2014

A mom's detective work


We are still working to get your skin condition(s) solved. We were doing so well with the eczema for a while and then it seemed to come back. Or maybe you have something else, we don't know.

We are thinking allergies so we had your blood tested. They ruled out milk, soy, fish, shell fish, strawberries, and wheat as possible culprits. So now, we are wondering if it could be these guys:

Dust mites! 

They love humidity and guess what we have been creating in your room to help with your eczema - HUMIDITY!! Could our "cure" be causing the problem? Could these things possibly be anymore gross???

In this theory's favor:
  • The circumstances created by the humidifier look suspicious.
  • I have no other theory.
Not in this theory's favor:
  • I couldn't find much dust. Running the vacuum all through the house didn't even fill it up a quarter of the way.
  • So gross that I don't want this to be the problem.
But after reading about them, I am going to have to clean the house anyway. So here I go...
  1. Dust all surfaces with wet cloth - done.
  2. Get allergy approved bed covers (cha ching) - ordered.
  3. Administer Claratin (also cha ching. I have new financial sympathies for allergy sufferers!) - done.
  4. Vacuum house s-u-p-e-r s-l-o-w-l-y. Done.
  5. Vacuum all the drapes. Done. 
  6. Air out rooms - done.
  7. Wash all bedding, stuffies and upholstery in HOT water - in process.
  8. Freeze pillows and mattresses for 48 hours. Um, I guess we need a walk-in freezer? Or maybe Mr. Freeze could stop by when he makes parole?
Stay tuned for the startling conclusion...

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