Jul 13, 2014

1,800 miles later...

We survived an epic roadtrip to Utah. The drive went like this:

Portland - Hagerman - Bountiful - Midway - Salina - Pleasant Grove - Midway - Salina - Upper ranch cabin - Salina - Midway - Salt Lake City - Midway - Bountiful - Huntsville - Logan - Pendleton - HOME in Portland!

We had LOTS of "igventures" - horses, swimming pools, cabins, COUSINS...and you watched about 3 million hours of shows on your iPads along the way.

With all those miles, there were a few extra bathroom breaks and calls of "are we there yet?" But mostly it was great. Road travel is about ten thousand times with you than it used to be.


And even some of:

See photos from our trip

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