Oct 23, 2014

Used car sales are definitely up

During a sick day home from school, we made up the game "car store" where we put prices on your toys and sell them to each other for real coins and monopoly bills. It is fun and has some math and currency practice. Fun! Learning! Yay!

Since then, I have bought and sold the same 20 cars from you approximately three hundred thousand times. Driving me crazy! Not so yay!

Your dad added a bunch of business lingo to the game which (thankfully) adds some variety. Hearing your sincere business talk cracks me up. Above, you are saying something like: "I've been thinking of going into the ice cream business..."

Going into the ice cream business? My crazy kid. I think you are right in the middle of 4-year-old boy business. And though it drives me bonkers from time to time, I absolutely adore you for it.


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