Sep 1, 2014

Yawping together

When Walt Whitman said, "We were together. I forget the rest," I think he was talking about our summer. The three months of activity (out of school, on and off the road, and all over town) are already a blur in my mind.

The question isn't what did we do, but more what didn't we do? It was full speed ahead, jam packed busy-ness.

I am grateful for our adventures but keeping up with the fun hasn't been easy. Let's just say my ability to simultaneously handle exhaustion, frustration, boredom, and chaos has been greatly expanded.

I am almost SURE Walt Whitman was thinking of our summer when he wrote "I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world." A loud yawp about sums up the state that our summer has left me in. Visually, it looks like this:

Yes. I am REALLY looking forward to recuperating during the coming school days. Hopefully, I'll be ready to give it another go by next June. Hopefully.

See more photos here.

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