May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day?

On the bright side, I feel "like a blooming rose" wearing my new necklace and enjoying your lovely poetry.
On the down side, I've spent much of the day working through 8 loads of laundry and checking (and rechecking) your heads for potential nits. So far - none, but since they have hot both your classrooms and play groups, it won't be long now. Then there is the trail of "fairy dust" (dirt + who knows what) that has been trailed through the house and into my bed.

Playing perfectly in my ear is papa's voice saying "Kids is gross!" Such words of wisdom!
In case you at wondering, a cruise is not too extravagant a gift for some future Mother's Day; and yes, it would be a great way to say thank you for picking up all your junk and taking care of all the lice infestations.

But since the junk and the dirt also come with hugs and love and kisses and more love than I ever thought possible, I'll say thank you. I am (still) forever grateful to be your mom.

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