Jul 31, 2008

Play group woes

I've been taking you to some mommy groups lately hoping to find an ongoing play group with kids just your age. But, I'm finding the experience a little strange. It almost feels like dating and it is not going well.

So far there has been a lot of discussion on "attachment parenting," "the importance of co-sleeping" and other such crazy things - and don't even get me started on the lactivists. I just don't related to having such fixed ideas about what is The Best Way. My goal is enjoy my time with you as much as possible and to survive the rest (aka breastfeeding, general life upheaval, missing the latest Batman movie, etc.).

Other moms truly need to vent about their extreme troubles like bloody nipples (aaack!) or complete lack of sleep and I'm pretty sure it would sound like gloating if I got up and said you were sleeping all night and cried less than 20 minutes a day. Holy cow Lucy - after hearing some of these stories I know you are indeed the best baby ever!

Maybe deep down, I'm just disappointed that I can't just get together with my mom, or my sisters, or B and Bonna, or Barbara or Erin or all the great friends I grew up with. Having you has definitely made me want to be near them more than ever. My dream mom's group would include all of them and occasionally Mary Poppins who could watch the kids while we relaxed on the beach in our palapa. Alas, I guess that's not likely.

So you and I are going again today. Hopefully we'll find a couple of like-minded moms who want to hang out and don't care that I have puke AND poop on my clothes and smell like yesterday's milk.


Unknown said...

Oh I wish we lived closer. It would be so fun to get together and do the "playgroup" thing. I agree I miss having family and friends near by. I love reading your blog because I feel alot closer and a part of this awesome experience. I'm glad Lucy is such a good baby Count your blessings.

Erin said...

Yay! Me, too! Wouldn't that be the best play group ever! I miss you guys.