Feb 3, 2009

Mom and dad get a night off

Last night was the first evening we've left you at home with our new babysitter. I had a moment of panic as I left and Jess nearly laughed at me as I told her to call 911 if she even suspected you were choking. But once we were out of the house and sitting down at the beautiful Porto Terra for happy hour, I calmed down a bit. By dessert, it seemed like old times. Oh yeah, I do like this guy. I can go several hours without discussing poop. 

After dinner, we went to the see the Oregon Symphony. I haven't been for so long; I'd forgotten how amazing it is to be witness to such an event. In fact, part of the performance literally reduced me to tears. 

By ten, we were back at home with you. Somehow, you survived just fine without us and were sound asleep. Hooray. Date night is born.

Thank you Carolyn - for the tickets and for pushing us to go. And thank you Ber, for calling to make sure we were really going. You guys know me too well.

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