Feb 7, 2010

2nd pregnancies - they aint for sissies

It feels like I have been pregnant FOREVER. The first time around was tough enough but this time has been even harder because my body has broken down faster and because through it all there has been a little person to chase and take care of.

Feeling nauseous? Great, it's time to change a really nasty diaper. Exhausted? Sorry, the toddler is begging to go to the park during the day and up in the middle of the night NEEDing to talk about raccoons. Feel like nesting? Too bad, because it's going to take all of your energy just to clean the mac-n-cheese off the floor and do the laundry after that marker incident.

I can hardly keep up with you these days and you are busier than ever. Sitting still is NOT an option. I've had several nightmares where you ran into the street and got squashed by an oncoming car.

I'm really trying to savor the good moments as I don't think I'll ever be pregnant again. I love feeling the baby move and having him with me all the time.

But now with two more weeks - I look and feel terrible and I really am HUGE. My maternity clothes are stretched to the limit. I'm reaching the point where all I can think is "Can it be over now?" So can it be over now?

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