Feb 19, 2010

Not the birthday I expected

This sickness has been getting worse and worse with each passing uncomfortable day and sleepless night. I was on the brink of pure panic when I woke up with painful contractions coming every 3 minutes yesterday morning. The baby has been eerily quiet and everything in my body seems to be broken - especially my mind. I was in no shape to be heading into labor!

So, daddy took you to school and we spent my birthday in the hospital, under the gentle care of nurses and doctors who quickly took my problem as seriously as we were. My contractions slowed and calmed. We got to listen to the baby's steady heartbeat for a couple of hours and were reassured that he is doing just fine. I got some medicine (safe for me and baby) that seems to be finally working and allowing me some much needed rest!

Best of all, grandma arrived to help us all get through the next week and welcome baby brother. What a relief to have her here, I cannot even describe the peace it brings that she will care for you while we are away!

At the end of the day, the gang arrived with delicious treats and birthday wishes. It was the polar opposite of where the day began.

So - it was a strange birthday but oddly one I think I will cherish. I needed help and the troops answered. Knowing you have backup when you need it is better than any other gift in the world!

1 comment:

Deb said...

I'm SO glad you are on the mend! It is so true that having help when you need it is such a gift! Wishing you well :)