Jun 16, 2010

Henry plays, drools, and sings

Henry, you are getting so big! I made your 4 month check-up appointment yesterday and I can't believe that is just around the corner. In some ways it seems like you got her yesterday. In other ways it feels like you have been here forever. In every way, it feels like you are just the perfect addition to our family and we couldn't have been complete without you.

Lots of changes are happening. You are loving standing activities - on our laps and in play things.

You are beginning to explore with your hands and your mouth. And the drooling has begun!
You and Lucy are getting on better every month. You smile and tense up when she is around - you know exciting things will happen - some of them more painful than others. She is getting better at controlling herself with you and does pretty well unless she is tired or frustrated. I've left you alone in a room together for 30 seconds or so without incident. Yes - this feels like a big deal!

You croon all the time and I love your baby songs. Here's a clip of my singing little man.

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