Jun 30, 2010

I want my mom

Grandma has been here for 10 days helping me get back to work and adapting Henry to bottle feedings and care provided by someone other than yours truly.

She left today and I have been feeling like a lost puppy ever since. I am a grown up right? At least most of the time. How can I possibly need my mom this much? But I really really REALLY do.

Normally when I'm homesick, I get busy to distract myself. Well, I'm busy all right but distraction is impossible. Everywhere I look, there are reminders of mom. Fresh piles of folded laundry about, special treats in the kitchen (Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch for Jeremy, fruit snacks for you, just about everything I like for me), yogurt she made in the fridge, little notes about Henry's feeding schedule still on the counter... It all seems endless. It has been nonstop spoiling for 10 days and the evidence is everywhere.

And Lucy, you are not helping one bit. All afternoon it has been nonstop questions. "Where is Grandma?" "But where did she go?" "Can we take a bus to go find her?" "Can we go see her in Utah?" Just when I stop crying and thinking about something else, you start up again and hooo boy - here come the waterworks.

Alas, I just can't help myself. There is just no one – No One – in the world like my mom.

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