Jan 17, 2012

Welcome home, to crazy

Hi guys.

We got back a few weeks ago after our whirlwind cousins tour. Yes, it was a rip-rourin' great time for all.

And since then, things haven't quite calmed down. Lots of missed naps and nonstop whining. Lots of "poopy poop" talk. Lots of begging to "watch a little show" and have a binky at all times. And lots of ~~ true horror ~~ crying at drop off. Ugh.

This morning was all of those things. To which I found myself yelling and pleading for help. Big time. Fail.

I am so defeated.

I really wish I were better at this.

So, are you close to settling back in? Do I rearrange our lives and start over? What? Tell me, before I end up more crazy and you end up like this guy...

And not a good sign that I'm googling kid and duct tape.
Your crazy mama

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