Apr 22, 2014

Delicious no-bake goodness

I'm not great about making sweets, not one of those moms with the frosted cookie cutouts or themed cupcakes. I spend most of my cooking time focused on getting 5 fruits and veggies in you ever day. I might call my cooking style "stealth-veggie-experimental." Sometimes, you call my cooking style "gross." Yes, there are downsides to my cooking. But leaving out the fancy desserts has left your expectations wonderfully low; you will usually finish up the last bites of my grossest veggie goulash for the prize of a POPSICLE or "oh my goodness, oh my goodness" a CUP OF MARSHMALLOWS.

One treat we make occasionally are Unbaked Chocolate Oatmeal Chews, aka Gorilla Poops. Your dad started the trend. I get the feeling he ate them A LOT as a missionary. They are delicious, and quick. Plus, you get to say the word "poop" lots and lots. Who doesn't love that?

Here's the recipe:

Gorilla Poops

2 cups sugar
1/2 cup butter
3 cups oatmeal
1 cup coconut
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup milk
3 Tbsp cocoa
1 cup chopped nuts
1 tsp vanilla

Cook sugar, milk, butter and coca until boiling. Mix rest of ingredients in large bowl and pour coca mixture over the top. Toss to mix and quickly drop on waxed paper. Let set.

Makes a couple dozen small ones or (on a particularly homesick day north of the arctic circle) one GIANT one to eat straight from the bowl with your companion.

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