Oct 5, 2008

Baby poncho

It's starting to get cool outside and I can't seem to keep a blanket on you in the stroller so I've made you a couple of ponchos. They were super easy and no sewing required.

The two-minute (literally!) version:
Fold fabric and cut to make a square (I did 24 inch sides which is too big for a poncho but I'm going for more of a wearable blanket).  Trace out and cut a hole in the middle for the neck (4.5 inch diameter for Lucy's - bigger for someone with a full-sized head). 

The twenty-minute version:
Same as above but then cut some decorative pattern around the edges. Fringe is fun and easy. I made scallops here.

The 2-hour version:
First, cut the neck hole too big. Then wonder how in the heck to fix that. Try gathering the fleece at the neck - which doesn't work. Take out all the thread. Get totally frustrated and go eat some chocolate. Come back and pick it up again. While sewing some decorative edging around the neck, sew the front to the back at least once and then have to pick that out. Cursing is optional. Search for and finally find a hook and eye fastener. Frantically sew it in before the baby wakes up hungry. Finish up and fasten it around the cutest baby you can find.

Note - I think I prefer the first two versions. 

You're drooling so much these days, I may make a couple more. And with the right fabric, you can totally be Poncho Villa for Halloween.

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