Jan 29, 2009

25 Random Things (from FaceBook)

1. Growing up, my family had pet rabbits, mice, rats, gerbils, dogs, cats, lizards, goats, horses, snakes, and many more.
2. I got a turtle for my 12th birthday and a guinea pig for my 13th.
3. I’ve had family dogs named Brownie, Junior, Big Red, Polly, Charlie, and Otis.
4. My childhood cat was named Colemere and my only pet as an adult so far was a cat named Hello Kitty.
5. I don’t think I’ve ever cried harder than when Hello Kitty died.
6. Right now I have 0 pets and I don’t really want any for a long time.
7. But someday I want a horse.
8. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers - and I love all of them to pieces.
9. One sister taught me how to read when I was four.
10. My sisters also taught me how to ride horses, curl my hair, choose a bra, and vacuum corners.
11. My brothers taught me to build forts, love Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, and catch a lizard without pulling its tail off.
12. I love sewing, partly because it reminds me of being with my mom.
13. Nothing I knit or crochet turns out like I expect.
14. The only thing I’ve ever worn that I knit was a sweater I wore while I was pregnant. It wasn’t supposed to be a maternity sweater.
15. I’ve probably taken 3,000 hours of dance classes in my life.
16. I don’t really care what I look like doing it; dance is the best therapy for my mind and soul.
17. I love to read new books but can also read the same ones over and over again if I really love them.
18. I’ve probably read To Kill a Mockingbird 20 times and Goodnight Mister Tom 100.
19. I know all the lyrics to all the songs in Calamity Jane and Sound of Music.
20. I know all the lines in A Man From Snowy River and besides Jeremy, Jim is the only other man for me.
21. I wish I could speak another language.
22. I’d love to live in another country for a few years.
23. I’ve lived in Oregon for 11 years but I still call Utah “home.”
24. I don’t plan on living in Utah ever again.
25. I can’t believe I came up with 25 things before Lucy woke from her nap!

Jan 25, 2009

How to become a dancer in nine (hundred thousand) easy steps

Yesterday, I went to a dance class at BodyVox.  I almost didn't go as I wasn't sure I could keep up. I knew it would take balance, strength, stamina, flexibility and athleticism - all of which have practically evaporated out of my system over the past few years. I've been caught up with other parts of life, working, then pregnancy and now, you and haven't made time to keep it up. But something is still in there. Somewhere down deep I found a little spark to offer and though I didn't soar, I didn't collapse either. It was enough. No - it was wonderful. 

Of course, today I've got bruises up and down me from the floor work and I can hardly pick you up because my upper back is so sore. Ah well. I'm still smiling about it. 

This is the instructor, Ashley Roland. No, we didn't do anything remotely like this.

Jan 20, 2009

Change we can believe in!

No pressure there, Lucy B!


Well Lucy, you're officially part of Generation O. You got to watch President Obama take the oath of office this morning and boy am I glad that he's the first president you'll really be cognizant of. Here's a little taste of his inaugural speech that gives me hope for the world that you're going to be growing up in:

For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth; and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace.

Here's to you living in a world with cleaner air and water, more peace, more compassion, and more charity.

Jan 18, 2009

Bran muffins - a family legacy

One of my mom's best known recipes is a magical combination of wheat bran, oat bran, and who knows what that she used to bake into her special "muffins." Her muffins didn't really look like muffins - more like misshapen biscuits - but they were pretty tasty and we ate them regularly (no pun intended). Those outside the family tried them occasionally and, unused to the fiber punch, tended to have some... digestive side effects.  In fact, a friend of the family once called them colon-bombers and the name so aptly fit that it stuck. I'm not sure mom liked the name as much as we did. Maybe that's why she hasn't made them in a long while. 

The recipe below might be called a subtler version of my mom's muffins. I really like these, but then I can eat a whole flat of raspberries with nary a tummy-rumble. 

Moist Molasses Bran Muffins 
(from Bob's Red Mill package with my additions in italics)
1 cup wheat bran
1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour (white flour also works fine)
1/2 cup raisins (or other dried fruit)
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup milk
1/2 cup molasses
3/4 cup applesauce
1/4 cup chopped nuts (or flax seeds)
2 Tbsp oil
2 eggs, beaten

Preheat oven to 400. Combine wheat bran, flour, baking soda and baking powder. Stir in nuts and raisins. In a separate bowl blend applesauce, milk, molasses, oil and egg. Add to dry ingreadients and stir just until moistened. Spoon into greased muffin tin or paper muffin cups and bake for 15-20 minutes. Makes 12 marvelous muffins!

Jan 15, 2009

Making friends

Today we went to a baby shower for two of my co-workers and it was lovely. The restaurant was lovely. The food was lovely. Not being the pregnant woman put on the spot - was very lovely. 

You spent the time entertaining everyone with your smiles and squawks. We sat at a long table with eight people on each side and you were passed down one side and up the other. Every new lap meant a new member for your adoring fan club. You really charmed them all - me included. You are such a fun and sweet baby!

Here you are with Terri who says holding you "makes her wish she hadn't eaten all of her young." Um - we love you too Terri.

Jan 8, 2009

Practically perfect

I am back to working half-time this week and here to help is our brand-new, part-time nanny. She came to us recommended through a friend and boy are we grateful. It's not quite like having the perfect person blow in off the wind but it has been pretty close. 

You seem to be getting on really well with her. I am having a harder time adapting than you for sure - first, to letting someone into our home and lives so intimately; and second, to switching roles daily and sometime hourly. Overall, I don't feel at balance yet and I find all the change quite exhausting.  

Making decisions about childcare and work has been very difficult but I feel lucky to have so many options and such a supportive work environment.  Kudos to the thousands of women out there than handle my load and so much more. 

Jan 6, 2009

Christmas craft revealed

Down at the ranch, Angela and I had fun making felt food for your cousins. I got the idea after seeing some felt chocolate-chip cookies on Etsy. (if anyone out there hasn't heard of Etsy, drop your plans for the rest of the day and go there now. Seriously. Go forth and find the coolest craft site ever.) Angela's artistic input upped the quality by about 3000% beyond what I was expecting and they turned out really fun. You've got a boxed lunch of your own stashed away for the day when you won't actually try to eat it. That probably won't be very soon as you spent most of the time we were sewing chewing on an "oreo." 

Jan 4, 2009

Behold - a tooth!

Hooray! Your first tooth has finally made it's appearance. The second one seems to be following close behind. What a relief to see it finally come through. You've been having some screaming fits at night lately and we were hoping teething was the reason (as apposed to a demonic possession or even worse - a serious change from your mostly mellow baby persona). 

It is exciting to see but slightly disheartening to think there are 19 more to go. I think we'll be stocking up on the baby tylenol.

Jan 1, 2009

In with the new

I don't always usually make a list of resolutions. Occasionally, I've made an extensive list but then I tend to lose interest and chuck the thing before I take it to heart. Other years I've been so busy doing that it hardly seemed worth it to sit down and make a list of things to do.

But this year, I feel the need to focus and simplify. There is so much going on that I want to be present for. And so many things I could get caught up in and miss all the Good Stuff. 

Plus now that you're here - life suddenly feels more real: I'm an Adult now. Time is passing and this is the life I'm here for. So here's my list for 2009...

1. Enjoy the small moments with you and your dad. So many firsts are coming this year - words, steps, tooth, birthday, etc - I am excited to be there for all of them.  

2. Adapt our home for your existence. I'm looking around now and realizing that this is a home you will remember and I want it to embrace you and give you spaces to play and grow in. 

3. Return to work half-time without letting it take over other parts of my life. I start back next week and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm a little nervous about finding the work/home balance but I'm hoping it will work out for all of us.

4. Find new opportunities to give back to the community in a way that I can be with you at the same time. I feel so blessed for so many reasons and hope I can find a meaningful way to help others. Maybe we can find a volunteer gig together.

5. Find a little time for myself to dance, play music, laugh, connect with friends or do the things that make me feel like myself again. This whole mom thing has overwhelmed my sense of self a bit. Mommy needs some a night out now and then. 

6. Try out some new family recipes. Bonna revamped the family cookbook this year (hooray!) and looking through it, I realize there are a lot of gems in there we've never tried. This will probably be ongoing. The cookie section alone could take us all year! 

7. Support your dad in any goals he makes for himself. He is my other half and my best friend. There is nothing more important in my world than his happiness.

All in all, I'm excited for the coming year and hopeful for many things to come. Happy new year Lucy! Happy new year world!