Jan 29, 2009

25 Random Things (from FaceBook)

1. Growing up, my family had pet rabbits, mice, rats, gerbils, dogs, cats, lizards, goats, horses, snakes, and many more.
2. I got a turtle for my 12th birthday and a guinea pig for my 13th.
3. I’ve had family dogs named Brownie, Junior, Big Red, Polly, Charlie, and Otis.
4. My childhood cat was named Colemere and my only pet as an adult so far was a cat named Hello Kitty.
5. I don’t think I’ve ever cried harder than when Hello Kitty died.
6. Right now I have 0 pets and I don’t really want any for a long time.
7. But someday I want a horse.
8. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers - and I love all of them to pieces.
9. One sister taught me how to read when I was four.
10. My sisters also taught me how to ride horses, curl my hair, choose a bra, and vacuum corners.
11. My brothers taught me to build forts, love Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, and catch a lizard without pulling its tail off.
12. I love sewing, partly because it reminds me of being with my mom.
13. Nothing I knit or crochet turns out like I expect.
14. The only thing I’ve ever worn that I knit was a sweater I wore while I was pregnant. It wasn’t supposed to be a maternity sweater.
15. I’ve probably taken 3,000 hours of dance classes in my life.
16. I don’t really care what I look like doing it; dance is the best therapy for my mind and soul.
17. I love to read new books but can also read the same ones over and over again if I really love them.
18. I’ve probably read To Kill a Mockingbird 20 times and Goodnight Mister Tom 100.
19. I know all the lyrics to all the songs in Calamity Jane and Sound of Music.
20. I know all the lines in A Man From Snowy River and besides Jeremy, Jim is the only other man for me.
21. I wish I could speak another language.
22. I’d love to live in another country for a few years.
23. I’ve lived in Oregon for 11 years but I still call Utah “home.”
24. I don’t plan on living in Utah ever again.
25. I can’t believe I came up with 25 things before Lucy woke from her nap!

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