Jan 1, 2009

In with the new

I don't always usually make a list of resolutions. Occasionally, I've made an extensive list but then I tend to lose interest and chuck the thing before I take it to heart. Other years I've been so busy doing that it hardly seemed worth it to sit down and make a list of things to do.

But this year, I feel the need to focus and simplify. There is so much going on that I want to be present for. And so many things I could get caught up in and miss all the Good Stuff. 

Plus now that you're here - life suddenly feels more real: I'm an Adult now. Time is passing and this is the life I'm here for. So here's my list for 2009...

1. Enjoy the small moments with you and your dad. So many firsts are coming this year - words, steps, tooth, birthday, etc - I am excited to be there for all of them.  

2. Adapt our home for your existence. I'm looking around now and realizing that this is a home you will remember and I want it to embrace you and give you spaces to play and grow in. 

3. Return to work half-time without letting it take over other parts of my life. I start back next week and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm a little nervous about finding the work/home balance but I'm hoping it will work out for all of us.

4. Find new opportunities to give back to the community in a way that I can be with you at the same time. I feel so blessed for so many reasons and hope I can find a meaningful way to help others. Maybe we can find a volunteer gig together.

5. Find a little time for myself to dance, play music, laugh, connect with friends or do the things that make me feel like myself again. This whole mom thing has overwhelmed my sense of self a bit. Mommy needs some a night out now and then. 

6. Try out some new family recipes. Bonna revamped the family cookbook this year (hooray!) and looking through it, I realize there are a lot of gems in there we've never tried. This will probably be ongoing. The cookie section alone could take us all year! 

7. Support your dad in any goals he makes for himself. He is my other half and my best friend. There is nothing more important in my world than his happiness.

All in all, I'm excited for the coming year and hopeful for many things to come. Happy new year Lucy! Happy new year world! 

1 comment:

Deb said...

Can I borrow your list? Really thought...it looks like a good one! I loved seeing you all this Holiday..it reminds me that I love to spend time with you guys. Happy New Year!!