Mar 13, 2009

Crawling and talking - oh my!

You took your first forward crawl this week at the neighborhood Swap n' Play. You went for an exotic (at least for our house) golf ball!

With all the new motion, you've had a couple of pretty good head bumps. Yesterday, your face met with the kitchen floor when your arms slid out to the sides. Poor baby, I'm sure there's a lot more to come in that department.

We've also realized that you really are saying some words now. You say "Hi" pretty clearly. I think that probably counts as your first word. You also say "Yay" when you clap or see someone else clapping.  If we say it then you start clapping. You said "Kitty" when you saw the neighborhood tomcat outside and you are saying something really close to daddy when you see Jeremy but you also say that other times so we're not sure if you are fully onto that one. Note - you are saying nothing even close to mama. 


Jeremy said...

Of course, while she doesn't yet say "mama," you do have the distinction of being the one she completely flips over when she sees you after being away for more than 5 minutes and then insists that you hold her. I might get the word, but you definitely get the love!

Erin said...

I feel your pain...Koen didn't acknowledge me until about 6 months after he acknowledged Clay. Those were a sad few months.