Mar 4, 2009

Sew theraputic

Finding balance between work/home/baby/etc continues to be a challenge. Some days, I feel like I'm on top and managing it all. Other days, I feel like I've fallen behind and I'll never catch up. Relaxing with a simple sewing project, talking with friends, or reading a good book seems to help me keep things in perspective. Now, if I can just find the time...

I made some more bibs for expectant friends. I love how these turn out and they wash great.

For Barbara, Erin and Amy. Now I need some for Kim and Melissa!

And I'm almost finished with a strip quilt I'm making for your special friend Wendy, who will be a grandma soon. She promises that she will still want to spend the odd Saturday afternoon with you while dad and I go out for a movie, but I figure a little bribery can't hurt. No really, I want to give her some extra thanks as she's been a wonderful friend for many years. I'm sure she'll be a fantastic grandma. Especially since she's had you to practice on for the past 9 months.

For Wendy who is your special auntie and a fan of all things turtle.

I've still got a ton of fabric scraps so I'm looking for other projects to use them up. I'm afraid to start looking around on Etsy though as I'm sure I'll start dreaming of projects that are really fun to start but not so fun to stick with or finish. The last thing I need is a stressful sewing project.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love my bibs! They are so special, especially since you made them. Thanks again! And I wish we lived closer so you could teach me how to quilt. I've really been wanting to do that lately.