Aug 22, 2008

Sewing craps crafts

Lately I've been in the mood to sew so I've made you a few things.

First, I made you a pair of lace tights. I found some around the corner but couldn't get myself to pay $30 for them. After a trip to the fabric store and several botched pairs (how hard can they be right?) I'm thinking $30 might have been the better bargain.

Today, I've been decorating some bibs we got from Ikea. They turned out really cute and if they wash well, I'll be making them for baby shower gifts. 


Unknown said...

Love the bibs. They are adorable. Too bad I can't use any of those right now. You were always good at sewing. I remember hanging out in your moms' sewing room and creating stuff. Or I guess I really just watched you create stuff. You've always been talented.
I'd love to see the ruffled tights...

Melissa@thebblog said...

so, so cute!!!