Jan 12, 2011

Getting our game on

We started our Love and Logic course this week. I really wanted to take this last year but we just couldn't make it happen. I am really happy that we are on our way.

Up to this point, we've been following some basic discipline principles. I am a bit of a discipline avoider - as in, I try to keep only positive choices within range and spend most of my time reinforcing positive behaviors. It has worked pretty well and I am rarely embarrassed by your behavior. Of course, a lot of this has to do with your sweet personalities and I do feel really lucky to have such great kids.

Now that Lucy is almost three and taking on a bigger and broader world, some cracks are starting to show. We've got some potty talk ("Poo poo - ha ha ha") and some bolting (sigh) that needs to be addressed. Putting the toys away or getting out the door in the morning can be painful. I also feel really unprepared for the "Big Ones" coming this year, i.e. potty training, moving to the big bed, losing (!!) the binky. Hopefully, this class will boost our confidence and training so we can kick our game up a notch. In the parents vs. bad behavior games, I do plan to win.

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