Jan 14, 2011

Look who's talking!

Mamamamamamamamama - I love how you turn my name into a song. So stinking sweet, I can hardly stand it.

You also say dada. This and keys may be in the works plus a few others - I can't quite tell. Nothing distinguishable yet for Lucy.

If vehicular noises count as words, you have a whole bunch! Vroom vroom. Brrmmm brrm brm. Drrrn drrrn drrn. Raspberry raspberry. All as you tootle around the house.

Your talking with your hands too - pointing, clapping and doing a few signs like more and all done. I cannot for the life of me get you to sign milk. You prefer instead, to take a big bite of my shoulder and then dive for my chest. Yes - I definitely get the message - loud and clear. Ouch!

You are climbing up stairs with gusto and every second the baby gates are open, you are raring to do your stair-robics. Going down is a bit harder but I was working with you today using some goldfish crackers as a lure and you are getting the idea. Another month and you will surely have the hang of it.

I am relieved to see you so healthy and robust. Already sturdy and strong from all your jumping, you are getting even more so by pushing around furniture and boxes, almost as if you are trying to build strength.

You are taking ownership of your little body and it will be fun to see you able enough to explore the playgrounds this spring.

But don't take those first steps just yet! I absolutely adore your robotic-doll crawl. I'm treasuring it while I can.

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