May 17, 2013

Busted vacuums and squeaky dryers

Note: my job has me making infographics for web and social media use. You may notice that it has me thinking of our household in numbers and icons.

Once again, we have a new vacuum. I'm hoping this one will last a while. I am not above instigating a regular prayer circle to keep it running. Divine intervention may very well be required. One thing is clear, you are hard on hoovers.

Kids versus vacuums, kids are winning

Our washer and dryer have fared better but they seem to be inching toward the trash heap as well. The dryer currently squeaks so loud that people three houses down can hear it. So much so that I don't dare to run it after 8 pm or before 9 am.

Poopy laundry anyone?
Since work is taking over my brain, and cleaning is taking over our home life, I'm feeling the intense need to leave it all behind and take a vacation. Sadly, this is not as simple or satisfying as it used to be either.

Traveling with and without kids

Oh well. I'm thanking my lucky stars for a girls night out tonight and date night tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

I LOVE this post! (Awesome infographics, too, BTW.)