May 2, 2013

Wait and see

We have hundreds of children's books in this house. Many of them, we have read hundreds of times.

Some of them I love to read, some of them I grit my teeth and just get through (Disney drivel), and a few have gotten "lost" so I don't have to read them anymore (ahem - Alice in Wonderland).

But this one in particular (a gift from my sister Millie), touches me every time. I do not think I've read it a single time without tears.

It is a simple story about a bunny who dreams to someday become one of the 5 chosen Easter bunnies.

One day a little country girl bunny with a brown skin and a little cotton-ball of a tail said, "Some day I shall grow up to be an Easter Bunny."

Then all of the big white bunnies who lived in fine houses, and the Jack Rabbits with long legs who can run so fast, laughed at the little Cottontail and told her to go back to the country and eat a carrot. But she said, "Wait and see!"
As she goes on to have 21 baby bunnies, she devotes herself to motherhood and loses her dream of becoming an Easter bunny. But when her babies grow to become little girl and boy bunnies, she IS chosen and then she proves herself the swiftest and bravest of them all.

This children's tale turns out to be a beautiful story of modern feminism and motherhood. So wonderfully sweet, and quite amazing in that it was written in 1939. It is an empowering story for all us working mamas for sure.

I hope you will remember this book; and when someone tells you that you can't achieve your dream because you are a girl, or a boy, or are too old, or too young, or have children, or don't have children, or look different than the last achiever looked, that you will believe in yourself and tell them..."Wait and see!" 

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