Jun 8, 2014

Date nights with Lucy and invisible Henry

Lucy, I love our date nights. You get to pick the dinner and activities and I take you where you want to go. It is great because with you making the choices, I have the opportunity to relax and enjoy learning more about you.

Usually, we eat ham sandwiches or pizza and go to a movie.

Always, you pretend Henry has gone invisible and is coming with us. "Mom, you have to buckle his seat belt," you call from the back seat. Once I've bucked "him" in, we drive away while I listen to your conversation with him. "Henry, isn't it nice that I let you have the side you want. And here is a book. Do you want me to read it to you? OK." My heart inflating with happiness on every word.

You have always been such a sweet girl. Lately, your generosity and caring for others is growing so much. What a treat for mom to witness this small example of it.

I love you so so so so much,

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