Jun 7, 2014

I am the mother of dragons

Sometimes the world can feel like a small place. Here I thought I was the only one, and there is actually another mother of dragons in our circle of acquaintances. And I will tell you, it is wonderful to finally find someone who shares my struggles to commiserate with!

Sit down, get to know us. Who knows. Someday, you too might be raising dragons.

First meet: Khaleesi

Don't try this at home; Targaryen genetics keep
Khaleesi's hair safe from dragon fire.
Also known as:
Daenerys of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Breaker of Chains, Mother of Dragons

Lives in:
Mereen, Game of Thrones, HBO
She says she is their mom, but the familial resemblence is sketchy.
Hand maiden
Team of advisors
Army of 8,000 unsullied
Masses of adoring Dothraki
Although not strictly necessary, Khaleesi admits an army
comes in handy when raising dragons.
Parenting profile:
Khaleesi inherited 3 dragon eggs which she hatched through fire. Due to her freedom-espousing ideals and busy schedule of royal duties, her parenting style is laid back and mostly hands off. Many of today's overbearing, over-scheduling helicopter parents might call her "neglectful" but fans of the free range parenting movement could be inspired. On a typical day, Khaleesi feeds her dragons live sheep, makes doe eyes at them, and then lets them roam wherever they want. Her aspirations for her dragons include growing big enough to sick on her enemies. She has a very busy social calendar but you can get to know her better by tuning into her show, Sunday nights at 9 pm.
Famous quote: "Dragon raising is dirty work."

And second we have: Your Mom

Often seen out and about with dragons.
Also known as:
Ma'am, Hey you, Hot Stuff (formerly), Mother of Dragons

Lives in:
Your House, The Real World, Earth
Incredibly fast and often disguised, dragons can be hard to keep track of. 
She claims dragon hugs are wonderful and usually safe.
Parenting profile:
Your Mom has two human children that turn into winged lizards multiple times each day in an activity they call "The Dragon Game." Possibly outmatched by her dragons, Your Mom likes to keep her parenting expectations low: mainly surviving the day and not letting her dragons mutilate each other. She espouses what scientific circles call CTFD Parenting (thats Calm the F&#*; Down to novices) which is defined by an optimistic belief that everything will eventually be ok paired with simplistic goals for day-today life such as not poisoning anybody. Critics might call her "neurotic" but she chooses to call herself "pragmatic" and even "creative." A typical day finds her reading the same book about animals that wear clothes 17 times, building endless train tracks, combing Barbie hair for hours, and saying "I'll be right back" before running to the other side of the house to hide. She hopes that, eventually, her dragons will be capable of independence, effective communication, loving relationships, and problem solving skills beyond burning things down and eating people. Her dragons are wonderful and you may want to stop by and meet her. But if you find that she doesn't answer the door, it is most likely because she is locked in the bathroom deciding what to feed her dragons for dinner.
Famous quote: "Um, I need to go the bathroom."
Wondering what a dragon birth looks like? In rare seen footage, see the birth of Dragon Henry here:

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